Training Overview
Being able to develop a specification note, in order to define the set of requirements and restrictions, that the service must comply with
Duration of the training:
Head or in charge of training, Project manager training, Head of training engineering
- Participatory Approach
- Specific cases and simulations
Define the concept of the training specification noteThe essential elements of a specification note Measuring components regarding the backer, and the service provider The exactitude of training specification note The leeway given to service providers Case study: develop a specification note, in response to an internal request Creating an indicator and measurement grid, of a provided service Negotiation and final approval of the choosen training provider Simulation: Create a grid, which facilitates the choice of the provider Identify indicators and specification note requirementsWrite the specification noteDetermine the criteria and conditions for choosing a training provider
- The different types of training and their organization
- When to write a specification note?
- Examination and discussion between participants, about the specification note requirements