Training Overview

master nonverbal communication techniques

Duration of the training:
Managers Executives sales team Assistants Hospitality staff
  • Theoretical training
  • Practical case
The voice effects
  • Exploit the physiological data of voice: volume, flow, rhythm, intonation, articulation, breathing
  • Kinesics
  • Become aware of the importance of one's appearance;
  • Adapt one's physical appearance, to a communicative situation;
  • Adopt a suitable body language;
  • Adopt appropriate postures and attitudes;
  • Use wisely the strength of the glance in communicative situation;
  • Adapt gestures and facial expressions to verbalization.
  • Identify the different types of distances;
  • Manage the space, while respecting social rules.
  • Identify key physical appearences of stage fright;
  • Identify the impact of stage fright on the speaking;
  • Control one's nerves;
  • Preparing to public speaking;
  • Improve one's breathing: relax physically and mentally;
  • Train regularly; choosing various scenarios
  • ProxemicsStage fright