Chaired by Mr Mohamed El GHARASS, Secretary of State for Vocational Training, and attended by Mr Said SLAOUI, HRD and Director General P.I, this committee was an opportunity to present the main axes of this agreement and to define actions relating to the development of the OFPPT's training offer during the period 2018-2020.
Mr. Said SLAOUI specified, during his presentation, that the main mission of the OFPPT is to support the dynamics of the industrial acceleration plan in the Souss Massa region, through the development of ecosystems (naval, automotive, leather, chemicals, plastics, construction materials and offshoring) aimed at creating 19,000 jobs.
Following this, he presented the progress of this agreement, specifying that a first meeting was held in February 2018 between the OFPPT and the General Secretariat of the MIICEN in order to agree on the approach to be adopted with the Federations and Associations, with a view to bringing together human resources needs and the training offer at the OFPPT.