At the beginning of this ceremony, the Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Highe...
The OFPPT will make utmost efforts to ensure that its educational instruments are geared up to offer...
This ceremony was presided over by Mr. Saaïd AMZAZI, Minister of National Education, Vocational Trai...
After the qualifying phases that have taken place since March, the Aïn Borja Sports Complex in Casab...
Chaired by Mr Mohamed El GHARASS, Secretary of State for Vocational Training, and attended by Mr Sai...
A real stepping stone towards the socio-economic integration of young people, particularly those fro...
There was also Mrs LOUBNA TRICHA, Director General of OFPPT, accompanied by the Director of Developm...
This project illustrates the Sovereign's particular interest in the training of young people, partic...
This event, organized this year in partnership with the Career Center of Vocational Training of Casa...
These bilateral cooperation agreements in various fields are in line with the Royal Orientation to s...
Hackathon - Semaine de Célébration Nationale des Carrières et Métiers du Voyage & de l'Hospitalité
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